Monday, April 16, 2012

(f)route monitor #3

urban (f)route hunter gatherer, Ryan, with latte.
(assistant (f)route monitor to Jessee)

Jessee's (f)route mapping proposal:  

desserted fruits - a tribute.
"It took me awhile to realise I had a fig tree in my backyard. But when I did, man oh man,
the fun I had with those little green & pink bulbs of deliciousness.
It got me thinking. How many other fruit trees are growing in vain, full to the brim with fruity
goodness that no-one harvests, no-one appreciates. Fruit WANTS to be eaten. And stewed,
and preserved, and made into vats of sticky jam.
So, my mission is: forgotten fruit love. Using words, photos & tastebuds. "