what is (f)route

(f)route is a network of artists & fruitists. (and everyone that cares about them).

(f)route started in east gippsland, australia

(f)route was imagined over many summers of shared fruit breakfasts..

(f)route is now a growing network of people who seek out
creative & sustainable ideas, fresh local food (especially fruit!),
bespoke accommodation & slightly wild experiences - in fab locations.

so ... (f)route is a developing trail for creative locavores.and we want YOU to be a part of it.

the (f)route Collective (the community that brings (f)route to life) care about local culture, slow art, ideas, social activism for the common good, wild & fab fruit, food security, good eating, hands-on breakfasts, soaking up the environment ...

  and in creating sustainable lives in out-of-the-way-places through creative ideas .