Sunday, April 22, 2012

Call for photographers

(f)route photo by Rachel Mounsey.
Taken at Bastion Point, Mallacoota, site of next week's (f)route gathering.
10am. Sunday 29 April.
The (f)route project is working on a 'coffee table' book that will capture the amazing fruit, faces, stories and places that we have encountered on this journey.

'We have taken quite a lot of photos as we've travelled from Bairnsdale, Tubbut, Goongerah, Mallacoota, Cassilis, Buchan, WTree and Bruthen  - but mainly snaps - so we'd love anyone to consider entering work for inclusion in the book . The work must relate to fruit in East Gippsland (actually, or conceptually).

This Bastion Point happening will provide another great opportunity for photographers to capture the essence of East Gippsland and encourage all to come along for a unique shoot.