Thursday, April 26, 2012

the (f)route HOT HOUSE. 21-25 May

the (f)route HOT HOUSE is confirmed. 21-25 May 2012.

Bungalook Studio, Lakes Entrance

the HOT HOUSE is a week of workshops, debates, ideas, initiatives, suppers, fruit, art LABs,
and occasional tramps in the wilderness - to explore the (f)route project.

It will suit artists, social activists, environmentalists - and people who just like to know STUFF. And is for anyone who wants to get into (f)route - and its unlimited artistic, social and community possibilities.

  • why (f)route ?
  • why is it art ?
  • who are ?
  • wt(f) do we mean by CARTography ?
  • how does a (f)route breakfast help make a good (f)route CART ?
  • what’s next? 

(f)acilitated by makeshift’s Karl Khoe
(f)unded by Arts Victoria/Castanet/EGSC

Mainly at Bungalook Studio Lakes Entrance, but other sites planned throughout the week.

We think its for artists, social activists, environmentalists and people who like to know STUFF. (loosely quoting Makeshift)