Sunday, September 16, 2012

(f)route goes to the CRUNCH

YES! - we made the final cut.
We are part of the CRUNCH programme.

We begin this week.
This is our shot at creating an ARTS-LED  SOCIAL-ENTERPRISE designed to stir some economic development in small & remote East Gippsland communities.

We have so many great fruit /locavore/slow food/touristy/ providor/micro-enterprise ideas.
We needed the CRUNCH to make us focus. plan. think big. plan more.

And, to never lose sight of the social benefits that we know small communities need - Economic hope, resources, optimism, relevant training (with purpose), happy visitors, income streams, more art, more hands, more help - all based on a viable business model - with benefits shared among everyone who helps to make it work.

We now have 6 months of mentored business planning ahead of us to make it work.

Wish us luck ay?

And all offers of help will be gratefully accepted.
This is so ambitious... and yet so tantalizingly possible!